Search conditions
Storage pool
Select the storage pool of the storage destination of the disk resource.
Search size
Enter the lowest value of the disk size to be searched as a number with up to one decimal place, in units of gigabytes.
Allocation status
Specify the status for the disk to allocate to the L-Server.
- Unallocated
Specify when selecting a disk resource which is not allocated to another L-Server.
- Allocated
Specify when selecting a disk resource which is allocated to another L-Server.
Allocated L-Server
Specify an L-Server when sharing the disk resources.
Disk name
Specify the name of the disk to be found.
- Begins with
Specify when searching for disks whose names begin with the specified string.
- Includes
Specify when searching for disks whose names include the specified string.
3. Click <OK>.
4. Make the disk available following the disk attachment procedure provided by the OS.
From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver attach.
For details on the rcxadm lserver attach command, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
[VMware] [Hyper-V]
Data disks are connected to the L-Server as SCSI disks. They are not connected as IDE disks.
[Oracle VM]
Specify the following items when connecting data disks to an L-Server.
- When the L-Server is an HVM (Hardware Virtualized Machine)
- System volume: hda
- Data disks (First to seventh): sda to sdg
- When the L-Server is a PVM (Para-Virtualized Machine)
- System volume: xvda
- Data disks (First to fifty-ninth): xvdb to xvdbh
- When an L-Server is powered on, the disk to be attached to must be recognized by the L-Server. Follow the procedure provided by
the OS.
- When using physical L-Servers, disks or networks cannot be attached to the L-Server that is using iSCSI boot.
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