
1. Right-click the target L-Server in the orchestration tree, and select [Change Settings]-[Definition] from the popup menu.
The [Modify L-Server's definition] dialog is displayed.
2. Change the items to modify.
For details on setting values in the [Modify L-Server's definition] dialog, refer to "Chapter 16 Creating L-Servers".
3. Click <OK>.
The L-Server configuration definition information is modified.
From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver modify.
For details on the rcxadm lserver modify command, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
When modifying the configuration definition for an already defined L-Server that has been updated from an earlier version, alive monitoring
is disabled. When enabling alive monitoring, modify the configuration of the L-Server again.
17.9 Changing Physical Server Usage
This section explains how to change physical server usage.
Changing server usage is the function for preparing more L-Servers than physical servers and is used by switching the startup L-Server.
This function enables effective use of server resources as the physical server can be changed depending on the time period and situation.
The boot disk and IP address of the L-Server are stored, even while other L-Servers use the physical server.
This function can be used, when an L-Server is actually a physical server. When using virtual machines, multiple L-Servers can be located
on a single VM host without any specific configuration, giving the same effects as changing the physical server.
The following two methods are available:
- Use multiple L-Servers, switching between them, on a single physical server
The physical server which starts the L-Server is always the same.
- Use multiple L-Servers, switching between them, on unused physical servers in a server pool
The physical server allocated to the L-Server will change depending on the available spare servers in a server pool.
17.9.1 Configuring L-Servers for Usage Change
This section explains how to change L-Server settings for usage change.
The operations differ depending on whether the configuration definition has already been created (defined), or if resources have already
been allocated (allocated).
- When the status of an L-Server for which a configuration definition has already been created (defined)
Refer to " When only the Configuration Definition (defined) is Created".
- When the status of an L-Server is that resources have already been allocated (allocated)
Refer to " When Resources are Already Allocated (allocated)". When only the Configuration Definition (defined) is Created
This section explains configuration and operation when only the configuration definitions have been created (defined) for the L-Server.
Repeat the following procedure the same number of times as the number of physical servers which are used for usage change.
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