
Pool List
Name (Label)
The name used to identify the resource pool is displayed.
The type of the resource pool is displayed.
The priority of the resource pool is displayed.
Stored Resource Number
The number of resources registered in the resource pool is displayed.
L-Server List
Name (Label)
The name of the L-Server directly under the root/folder/tenant is displayed.
L-Server status is displayed.
Server type
The server type of the L-Server is displayed.
- For Physical L-Servers
"Physical" is displayed.
- For Virtual L-Servers
The VM type of the L-Server is displayed.
The OS type of the L-Server is displayed.
Current Resource
The following information is displayed according to the L-Server allocation status.
- When resources are already allocated (allocated)
The name of the physical server or VM host that has been allocated is displayed.
- When servers have been released (preserved)
The name of the physical server or VM host that was used the last time the L-Server was started is displayed. The name is
followed by "(preserved)".
- When only the configuration definitions have already been created (defined)
"(defined)" is displayed.
Preserved resource
The information set for "Physical server" or "VM host" during L-Server creation is displayed.
- When neither server nor host is specified (Automatic)
"Automatic" is displayed.
- When a resource pool is specified
The server pool icon or VM pool icon and resource pool name are displayed.
- For physical servers
The server pool icon and resource pool name are displayed.
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