
- The following operations cannot be performed by the pre-configuration function, and should be performed from the ROR console.
- Deleting registered resources from Resource Orchestrator
- Changing the name of a registered chassis, physical server (only for servers other than PRIMERGY BX servers) or a power
monitoring device
- Deleting registered admin LAN subnets
- Discovering, registering, or changing registration settings of a LAN switch
- Detecting physical link information from a LAN switch
- Canceling VIOM Integration
- Registration and deletion of SNMP trap destinations
- Configuration and change of WWN information using ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser integration
- The following operations cannot be performed by the pre-configuration function, and should be performed using commands.
- Registration and deletion of ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser integration
- Make sure that less than 200 resources are specified for registration or changing in the system configuration file specified for import.
If it is necessary to specify more than 200 resources for registration or changing, do by importing multiple system configuration files.
- When using ServerView Deployment Manager on the admin LAN, the following settings cannot be defined using the pre-configuration
function. For details on co-existence with ServerView Deployment Manager, refer to "Appendix B Co-Existence with ServerView
Deployment Manager" in the "Setup Guide VE".
- Spare server settings (using the backup and restore or HBA address rename method)
- HBA address rename Settings
10.2 Importing the System Configuration File
This section explains how to import a system configuration definition file (saved in CSV format) from the ROR console.
Use the following procedure to import a system configuration definition file.
1. Prepare a system configuration file in CSV format.
- System configuration templates in Excel format cannot be directly imported into Resource Orchestrator. Use the template's save
to CSV function to produce a system configuration file in CSV format before importing.
- Only system configuration files conforming to the format described in "B.2 File Format" can be imported. For details on the
file format, refer to "Appendix B Format of CSV System Configuration Files".
- Make sure that less than 200 resources are specified for registration or changing in the system configuration file.
If it is necessary to specify more than 200 resources for registration or changing, do by importing multiple system configuration
- When importing system configuration files which begins with "RCXCSV,V1.0" in the first line, the agent cannot automatically
be registered. Moreover, the registration fails in cases where a spare server is defined to a VM host in the system configuration
2. Open and log in to the ROR console according to "Chapter 2 Login and Logout" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators
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