and the function is activated.
The throttle hold function enables the throttle servo
to be held in a specific location, while allowing the
collective pitch servo to move independently with
the throttle stick. The purpose of this function is for
practicing autorotation landings with the helicopter’s
engine at idle. When the throttle hold switch is
changed from off to activated, there will be a third
adjustable pitch curve added to the pitch curve
function. The throttle hold switch is located on the
top right rear corner of the transmitter. The throttle
hold is on in the forward position. In the back
position, the throttle hold function is off.
1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Press the SCROLL and INSREASE buttons
simultaneously to enter the Function mode.
3. Press the SCROLL button until “HLD” appears on
the screen.
4. The factory setting for the Throttle Hold function is off.
Note: When the Throttle Hold function is off, the
throttle hold pitch curve will not appear in the
pitch curve function.
Press the INCREASE or DECREASE button to
activate the Throttle Hold function. The throttle
hold pitch curve will now appear in the pitch
curve function. To inhibit the Throttle Hold
function, press the CHANNEL and INCREASE
buttons simultaneously.
5. Using the INCREASE or DECREASE button,
adjust the throttle hold value to deliver a reliable
engine idle speed. To do this, set the throttle
trim to your normal starting idle setting (1/2, 3/4,
etc.). Next, with the engine off, adjust your
throttle hold value so that, when you change the
throttle hold from on to off, there is no movement
of the servo arm. The normal range of throttle
hold is from -2 (1/2 trim)
to +15 (full high
6. Press the SCROLL button to access the pitch
curve function.
7. To exit, press the SCROLL and INCREASE
buttons simultaneously.
button to activate the throttle hold
function and to adjust the value.
Press the SCROLL
button until “HLD”
appears on the screen.