
XP662 MANUAL Important Information
Radio controlled models are a great source of
pleasure. Unfortunately, they can also pose a
potential hazard if not maintained and operated
properly. It is imperative that you install your radio
control system correctly. Additionally, your level of
piloting competency must be high enough to ensure
that you are able to control your aircraft under all
conditions. If you are a newcomer to radio controlled
flying, please seek help from an experienced pilot or
your local hobby shop.
Listed below are some safety Dos and Don’ts that
must be followed by all pilots:
Ensure that your batteries have been properly
charged prior to initial flight.
Keep track of the time that the system is turned
on so that you will have an idea of how long you
can safely operate your system.
Perform a ground range check prior to the initial
flight of the day. See the “Daily Flight Checks”
section below for information on how to do so.
Check all control surfaces prior to each takeoff.
Use frequency flags.
Do not fly your model near spectators, parking
areas, or at any other area that could result in
injury to people or damage of property.
Do not fly during adverse weather conditions.
Poor visibility can cause disorientation and loss
of control of your aircraft. Strong winds can
cause similar problems.
Do not fly unless your frequency is clear.
Warning: Only one transmitter at a time can
operate on a given frequency. If you turn on your
transmitter while someone else is operating a
model on your frequency, both pilots will lose
control of their models. Only one person can use
a given frequency at a time. It does not matter if it
is AM, FM, or PCM—only one frequency at a time.
Do not point the transmitter antenna directly
toward the model. The radiation pattern from the
tip of the antenna is inherently low.
Do not take chances. If at any time during flight
you observe any erratic or abnormal operation,
land immediately and do not resume flight until
the cause of the problem has been ascertained
and corrected.
1. Check the battery voltage on both the transmitter
and the receiver battery packs. Do not fly below
9.0 volts on the transmitter or below 4.7 volts
on the receiver. To do so can cause a crash of
your aircraft.
Note: When you check these batteries, ensure that
you have the polarities correct on your expanded
scale voltmeter.
2. Check all hardware (linkages, screws, nuts, bolts)
prior to each day’s flight. Be sure that binding does
not occur and that everything is properly secured.
3. Ensure that all surfaces are moving in the
proper manner.
4. Perform a ground range check before each
day’s flying session. The range check should be
as follows:
• Do not extend the transmitter antenna at this
time. Turn the transmitter on.
• Turn the model on.
• Slowly walk away from the model while moving
the control surfaces. The aircraft should
function properly at a distance of 75 to 100 feet.
5. Prior to starting your aircraft, turn off your
transmitter then turn it back on. Do this each
time you start your aircraft. If any critical
switches are on without your knowledge, the
transmitter alarm will warn you.
6. Ensure that all trim levers are in the proper location.
7. Be sure that all servo pigtails and switch harness
plugs are secured in the receiver. Make sure
that the switch harness moves completely in
both directions.