
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 126
Open - All network inbound and outbound traffic is allowed. Because all net-
work traffic is allowed your computer identity is visible for this port or port
Closed - All inbound and outbound network traffic is blocked. Because all net-
work identification requests are blocked your computer identity is concealed
for this port or port range.
Stateful - All unsolicited inbound network traffic is blocked. All outbound net-
work traffic is allowed over this port or port range.
Step 4: Enter the transport type:
All (all port types listed below)
Step 5: Enter Ports and Port Ranges as either:
Single ports
A range of ports with the first port number, followed by a dash, and the last
port number
Example: 1-100 would add all ports between 1 and 100
Please visit the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority pages (www.iana.org) for a
complete Ports and transport types list.
Click Save. Repeat the above steps to create a new setting
To associate an existing TCP/UDP port to this firewall setting:
Step 1: Select TCP/UDP Ports from the component tree and click the Associate Component
Step 2: Select the desired port(s) from the list
Step 3: The default behavior setting may be re-defined
Changing the settings in a shared component will affect ALL OTHER instances of this same component.
Use the Show Usage command to view all other policies associated with this component.
Step 4: Click Save