ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 198
fileHandle.WriteLine "WshShell.RegWrite ""HKLM\SOFTWARE\Novell\MSC\STUWA"",
""true"", ""REG_SZ"""
Action.Trace ("Wrote the VBScript file to: " + pathToTempVbsFile )
End Function
Function CreateStartMenuFolder
Dim fso, f, startMenuSenforceFolder
startMenuSenforceFolder = strStartMenu & "\Novell"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FolderExists(startMenuSenforceFolder)) Then
Action.Trace(startMenuSenforceFolder & " Already exists, so NOT creating it.")
Action.Trace("Creating folder: " & startMenuSenforceFolder)
Set f = fso.CreateFolder(startMenuSenforceFolder)
CreateFolderDemo = f.Path
End If
End Function
Allow Only One Connection Type (JScript)
// Disable Wired and Wireless if Dialup is connection
// Disable Modem and Wired if Wireless is connected
// Disable Modem and Wireless if Wired is connected
// Reenable all hardware (based off policy settings) if there are NO active network connections
//NOTE: The order for checking sets the precedence for allowed connections
// As coded below, Wired is first, then Wireless, then Modem. So if
// you have both a wired and modem connection when this script is
// launched, then the modem will be disabled (i.e. the wired is preferred)
var CurLoc = Query.LocationName;