
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 95
Storage Device Control
This control sets the default storage device settings for the policy, where all external file storage
devices are either allowed to read/write files, function in a read-only state, or be fully disabled.
When disabled, these devices are rendered unable to retrieve any data from the endpoint; while
the hard drive and all network drives will remain accessible and operational.
ESM Storage Device Control is not permitted when the Storage Encryption Solution is activated.
To access this control, open the Global Policy Settings tab and click the Storage Device Control
icon in the policy tree on the left.
Figure 73 : Global Storage Device Control
Storage Device Control is differentiated between Removable Storage (USB "thumb-drives",
Flash memory cards, and SCSI PCMCIA memory cards, along with traditional zip, floppy, and
external CDR drives) and the CD/DVD drives (including CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD, DVD R/
RW). The hard drive and network drives (when available) will always be allowed.
To set the policy default for storage devices, select the global setting for both types from the drop-
down lists:
Enable - The device type is allowed by default