ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 227
• An opened cursor.
• Security permissions checks.
All of the data that is generated as a result of an event is displayed in the trace in a single row. This
row contains columns of data called event classes that describe the event in detail.
Event Class
An event class is the column that describes the event that was produced by the server. The event
class determines the type of data collected, and not all data columns are applicable to all event
classes. Examples of event classes include:
"SQL:BatchCompleted, which indicates the completion of an SQL batch.
"The name of the computer on which the client is running.
"The ID of the object affected by the event, such as a table name.
"The SQL Server name of the user issuing the statement.
"The text of the Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure being executed.
"The time the event started and ended.
Data Column
The data columns describe the data collected for each of the event classes captured in the trace.
Because the event class determines the type of data collected, not all data columns are applicable
to all event classes. For example, the Binary Data data column, when captured for the
Lock:Acquired event class, contains the value of the locked page ID or row but has no value for
the Integer Data event class. Default data columns are populated automatically for all event
Common SQL Profiler Actions
To Start a Trace:
Step 1: On the Start menu, point to Programs/Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Enterprise
Step 2: On the Tools menu, click SQL Profiler.
To add a filter to a Trace:
Step 1: On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Trace Template.
Step 2: Select the trace template to open.
Step 3: In the Trace Template Properties dialog box, click the Filters tab.
Step 4: In the Trace event criteria list, click a criterion.
Step 5: Enter a value in the field that appears beneath the criterion.
To Stop a Trace:
Step 1: Select a running trace.