ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 37
The Reporting Service provides Adherence and Status reports for the Enterprise. The available
data is provided for directories and user groups within a directory. Novell reports provide
feedback on the effects individual policy components can have on enterprise endpoints. Requests
for these reports are set in the Security Policy (see “Compliance Reporting” on page 204, for
more information), and can provide useful data to determine policy updates.
Select Reporting from either the Endpoint Auditing task bar, or the View menu. The list of
available reports will display (click on the "plus" sign icons next to each report type to expand the
list - see Figure 16).
Figure 16 : Reports Menu
Reports are configured by identifying the date range and other parameters (i.e., user, location). To
set the dates, click to expand to the calendar view, then select the month and day (be sure to click
on the day to change the date parameter - see Figure 17).
Figure 17 : Use calendar tool to set the date-range
Click View to generate the report.
Once a report is generated it can be viewed through the Management Console, printed, emailed
and/or exported as a.pdf file, using the report toolbar (see Figure 18).