ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 31
• No authentication - login and password not required for connection to direc-
tory service
• Secure authentication - login and password required for connection to direc-
tory service (uncheck if using eDirectory)
• Read only access - Management Service cannot make updates or changes to
the directory service
• Bind to specified server - creates a direct connection to the server hosting the
directory service (machine name [netbios] name must be specified in Step 1).
This will increase the speed and efficiency of the connection between the ser-
Step 6: Enter the directory service login name under Account and the login password in the
Password field. The login name entered must be a user who has permission to view the
ENTIRE directory tree. It is recommended that this user be either the domain
administrator or an OU administrator.
Use an LDAP format if configuring for eDirectory. Example: "cn=admin,o=acmeserver"
cn is the user and o is the object where the user account is stored.
The password entered should be set to not expire, nor should this account ever be disabled.
Step 7: Click Test to verify communication to this directory service. If communication cannot be
established, the user is notified of the error. Any inaccurate information will be corrected
(when possible) by the interface during the test.
Step 8: Click Save to update or add a directory service. Click OK or Cancel to exit the
Configuration window and return to the login screen.
Step 9: Click OK or Cancel to exit the Configuration window and return to the Mangement