
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 229
Tracing Novell Database Installations
The Novell Database architecture uses stored procedures extensively throughout. It is important
to be able to identify these interactions processes for debugging the system.
Figure 112 : Database Tracing
The highlighted row represents a client check-in to the Distribution Service. The statement,
decomposed shows the following:
Return Variable declaration: declare @P1 int
Return Variable assignment: set @P1=0
Call to Stored Procedure: exec CHECKIN_SP
User Credential: '{CA6AAD8A-7DBF-48DF-A682-6EE535573B77}',
Policy Id: '2e58dafe-6ce1-44f5-9b40-557354e814f8',
Location Id: '{64A2C1F3-E8FE-4E42-B77B-4C21A4C305BC}',
Result Code: @P1 output
If you are having difficulty getting the client to download a published policy, performing a trace
and capturing the Check In call will aide in identifying whether or not a user has a policy
assigned. In this example, using the captured SQL state above, open SQL Query Analyzer from
the Tools Menu and connect to the Novell Distribution Service database instance. Paste the text
captured from the trace into the window and run the query (F5, Ctrl-E or press the Play button.)
If the user has items assigned to him/her through publishing, you will receive rows. In every case,
you will receive a result code as demonstrated below: