
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 90
Global Policy Settings
The global policy settings are applied as basic defaults for the policy. To access this control, open
the Global Policy Settings tab and click the Policy Settings icon in the policy tree on the left.
Figure 68 : Global Policy Settings
The primary global settings are:
Policy Name and Description - The policy name (defined at new policy creation) can
be adjusted here. A description of the policy may also be entered.
Enable client self defense - Client Self Defense can be enabled or disabled by policy.
Leaving this box checked will ensure that Client Self Defense is active. Unchecking
will deactivate Client Self Defense for all endpoints consuming this policy.
Password Override - This feature allows an administrator to set up a password over-
ride which can temporarily disable the policy for a specified period of time.
Check the Password Override box and enter the password in the provided field. Enter
the password again in the confirmation field. Use this password in the Override Pass-
word Generator to generate the password key for this policy.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that end-users are NOT given this password, rather the Override
Password Generator should be used to generate a temporary key for them.