
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual 83
Chapter 6: Settings
One Shots
you have the following options in the drop-down
menu: Lock, OneShot, and OneShot/Lock.
When a modifier key is pressed, it is represented in the soft keyboard in the taskbar
at the bottom of the screen. Modifier keys that are locked ‘on’ are bordered in a
black frame.
Important: Once you’ve assigned a One Shot mode to a modifier key, you
need to tap on the <OK> button at the top of the tab to activate
your selection.
If you choose Lock from the drop-down menu, pressing a modifier key once locks it
‘on’ until you press the modifier key a second time to unlock or turn it off.
If you choose OneShot, the modifier key remains active only until the next key is pressed.
OneShot/Lock allows you to combine these functions. When you choose this
option and you press the modifier key once, it remains active only until the next key
is pressed.
If you press the modifier key twice, it is locked ‘on’, remaining active until the
modifier key is pressed a third time to turn it ‘off’.
Show Modifier Key State
When you enable Show modifier key state, each time a modifier key is pressed, a
Shift-State Indicator icon replaces the soft keyboard icon in the taskbar at the
bottom of the screen. A modifier key displayed in the Shift-State Indicator icon with
a black frame around it indicates that the key is locked ‘on’.
ENTER/ON Key Emulates D-Pad
Enabling this option forces the <ENTER> key to behave as it would on a directional
pad. ENTER/ON key emulates D-Pad action is disabled by default. This option
should be enabled or disabled according to personal preference or the requirements
of the application you are using.