Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual 255
Chapter 7: Programs
Playing Music And Videos
5. In the Synchronization Settings screen, clear all play list checkboxes, and
then tap on the files you want to synchronize
–‘All Music’.
Important: Make certain that ‘Synchronize device automatically’ is selected.
6. Tap on OK.
Windows Media player checks the media files on the WORKABOUT PRO against
the files in the Windows Media Library. Any files that are not music or picture files
are deleted from the WORKABOUT PRO. Any music or pictures files that are in
the Library but not on the hand-held are added.
Whenever you connect your WORKABOUT PRO to your PC, the music files will
be synchronized.
7.15.5 Playing Music And Videos
Playing music and video on your WORKABOUT PRO works much the same as it
does on your PC. Windows Media converts your hand-held into a portable MP3 and
video player. Keep in mind however that storage is much more limited on your
hand-held than it is on your PC.
To play a music or video file:
1. On your WORKABOUT PRO, tap Start, Programs, Windows Media.
Figure 7.93 Windows Media Player Screen