Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual 243
Chapter 7: Programs
Formatting Text
•In the Indentation Left and/or Indentation Right fields, tap the up or down
arrows to changed the indentation in increments of 0.25 centimeters.
• To adjust the indentation of only the first line or to create a hanging indent
after the first line, tap the stylus in the drop-down menu next to Special and
choose First Line or Hanging.
•In the By field, adjust the spacing in increments of 0.25 centimeters.
Note: To change a paragraph into a bulleted point, tap the stylus in the check-
box next to ‘Bulleted’.
Undoing Or Redoing An Action
• Tap on Edit, Undo to reverse an action.
If you’ve undone an action and want to redo it:
• Tap on Edit, Redo.
Note: You can undo actions multiple times. Keep in mind however that if you
delete a file, you cannot undo the deletion.
Finding Text
• In a document, tap on Edit, Find/Replace.
Figure 7.80 Find Screen
• Indicate the word for which you are searching, and tap on Find to execute
the search.
• To stop searching, tap the X.