
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual
EAN 8 119, 129
EAN-8 Zero Extend 119
ECI Decoder 115
email notification 49
Enable Bookland (UPC-EAN) 121
Enable CC-AB 128
Enable CC-C 128
Enable RSS Expanded 127
Enable RSS Limited 127
Enable RSS-14 127
Enable TLC-39 128
ESC Key 30, 33
Ethernet card See
Network Card 164
Excel See
Pocket Excel 222
expansion modules 261
GSM/GPRS module, installing 265
PCMCIA module, installing 263
scanner module, installing 268, 269
External Power tab 100
E1022 1D imager specs 311
Fast Converge (Imager) 133
features (of WORKABOUT PRO) 4
Field Size 117
size 117
file, copy 58
file, deleting 59
file, renaming 58
File Explorer 189
copy 58
copying a file 58
deleting file 59
folders, creating 58
renaming file 58
File Explorer, using 57
files & folders, managing 57
Find 189
Flow Control 163
folder, copy 58
folder, creating 58
folder, renaming 58
formulas (Excel)
creating 231
Insert Function Command 233
manually inserting 232
Full ASCII (decoded scanner) 117
Function keys 30, 34
Games 181
Good Scan Beep 139
GPRS (bluetooth) 175
GSM/GPRS 141–153
GSM/GPRS module, installing 265
hand strap 273
hardware, description of 99
Help 63
helpdesk 4
Help screens, displaying 190
holster, soft shell 279
home page, setting (Internet Explorer)
193, 194
Imager 132
E1022 1D imager specs 311
SX5390 2D imager specs 312
imager parameters 132
LED functions 37
task bar 60
inking settings 92
Input 141
Input Methods 89
Block Recognizer 66, 90
Input Method tab 89
Keyboard Options 90
Letter Recognizer 66, 90
Transcriber 64
Transcriber options 91
input modes 240
handwriting 239
typing 239
Insert Function Command 233
Intensity tab (backlight) 101
Interleaved 2 of 5 124, 130, 135
internal battery (ML2032) 15
Internet connection 158
Internet Explorer 190
browsing web sites 190
character sets, changing 193
home page, setting 193, 194
links, synchronizing 196
security options, changing 192