Chapter 7: Programs
Formatting Text
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual
To apply a formatting style to text in your document:
• Highlight text to which you want to apply a format.
• Tap the stylus on an icon in the toolbar to apply that format to the high-
lighted text.
Cutting, Copying And Pasting
• Highlight the text you want to copy by pressing the tip of the stylus just
before the block of text and dragging it to the end of the text you want to
Cut, Copy or Paste.
• With the text highlighted, tap and hold the stylus on the text block. In the
pop-up menu, choose Cut or Copy, or
Tap on Edit and then choose Cut or Copy.
• Press and hold the stylus at the point in the document where you want to
paste the data. In the pop-up menu, choose Paste, or
Tap on Edit, Paste.
Your text and the formatting attached to it is pasted in the new location.
Adjusting Paragraph Indents
• Tap anywhere in the paragraph to which you want to apply new paragraph alignment.
• Tap on Edit, Paragraph.
Figure 7.79 Paragraph Align And Indent Screen
•In the Alignment drop-down menu, choose the type of alignment you want
to assign to the paragraph
–Left, Right and Centre.