
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual XI
Approvals And Safety Summary
Utrustningen uppfyller kraven för EU-direktivet 1999/5/EC om ansluten teleutrust-
ning och ömsesidigt erkännande av utrustningens överensstämmelse (R&TTE).
(Förklaringen finns att läsa på: www.psionteklogix.com).
Tämä laite vastaa EU:n radio- ja telepäätelaitedirektiivin (EU R&TTE Directive
1999/5/EC) vaatimuksia. (Julkilausuma nähtävillä osoitteessa:
L Use of the 802.11b WORKABOUT PRO C & S in France:
Owing to French Government restrictions, the 802.11b WORKABOUT PRO
C & S is limited to indoor use. They may be used outdoors, on private prop-
erty, only with prior authorization from the French Ministry of Defense.
For GSM/GPRS Users in North America:
Although the GSM/GPRS Expansion Module is a three band device only the 1900
(PCS) band is used in North America
FCC Information To Users
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.