Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual 159
Chapter 6: Settings
Modem Connection Setup
4. Under My ISP, tap on Add a new modem connection.
5. In the Select a modem drop-down menu, choose a modem connection. If
you haven’t already created a modem connection, refer to “Modem Connec-
tion Setup” below.
6. To connect to the Internet, launch the program you want to use. For example,
launch Internet Explorer on your WORKABOUT PRO to browse the Inter-
net. Your hand-held automatically connects.
Note: To set up a network card or wireless network connection to your ISP, add
a new connection under My Work Network.
6.23.2 Modem Connection Setup
Before you begin, you’ll need the following information from your ISP or network
administrator: telephone number, user name, password, domain name and TCP/IP settings.
If your WORKABOUT PRO does not have access to a mobile phone network,
insert a modem card in the unit.
1. Tap Start, Settings. Tap on the Connections tab followed by the Connec-
tions icon.
2. To create a new connection in either My ISP or My Work Network, tap on
Add a new modem connection.
3. In the Make New Connection screen, type a name for the connection.
Figure 6.64 Make A New Connection Screen
4. In the drop-down menu below Select a modem, tap on your modem type.