
Using JOB Navi. Image Capture Guide List
C Click on [Enable Macros].
The document will be displayed. Check that the following 4 buttons have been
added to the toolbar.
D Click on [Create Image Capture Guidefile].
The window for specifying the scope of the image titles will be displayed.
E Select the scope of the image titles in the Guide List (C13~C22 in
this sample) and click on [OK].
The dialog box for specifying the location of the Guide List file, Guide List title
and Guide List file name will be displayed.
F Select the location of the Guide List file and specify an appropriate
Guide List title and Guide List file name, and then click on [OK].
The Guide List file has now been created and stored on the disk.
G Exit the Microsoft Excel and remove the card.
Additional Buttons (from left)
[Create Image Capture Guidefile]
[Update Image Title]
[Paste All Images]
[Paste Selected Images]