
General Description . . . continued
Twenty four different reference values (Ref 01 - Ref 24) can be entered into the
948 and 968 manually (numerically) or by measuring a reference sample. The
exceptions are that the reference values for Whiteness and Yellowness can only
be entered by measurement. During reference entry all color spaces are
automatically updated when a change has been made in one of them.
The 948 and 968 can function as color difference meters. By entering in your
reference (by measurement or numerically), the units will indicate the amount of
difference between the reference and the measured sample.
The store data feature allows the units to store up to five hundred measurements
for transferring to a printer or computer (via RS232) at a later time.
The CMC difference feature provides a single numeric value (E
) which
describes the color difference between a sample and a standard.
The averaging feature allows the units to make several measurements from the
same and/or different locations on a sample or reference. This will allow for a better
overall average of a color.
The units are powered by six AA rechargeable batteries, or by the AC
adaptor/charger provided. Additionally, the units retain calibration and reference
values when turned off, or if the Ni-Cad batteries are discharged.
X-Rite®, ColorStart®, SpectroStart®, and QA-Master® are registered trademarks of X-Rite, Incorporated.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Incorporated.
All other logos, product names, registered trademarks, and trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective holders.