Chapter 5. Administration
The Port Access area of the Port Management screen is used to manage port
access rights for users and groups. The boxes on the left side of the screen show
all users and groups that have been created. The boxes on the right side of the
screen govern port access rights. These boxes are discussed in the table below.
In the middle of the screen are five sets of arrows. Each set contains two
arrows: one facing leftward (<) and the other facing rightward (>), which
correspond to the boxes immediately to the left and right, respectively. Arrows
are used to move users and groups from the boxes on the left into the boxes on
the right and vice versa.
Note: 1. You cannot add more than 32 users and 32 groups to a port. If you
need to add more than 32 users to a port, first add the users to groups
and then add those groups to the port.
2. If a user is granted both user and group access rights to the same port,
the user access rights will be applied and not those of the group.
Box Name Description
Available Users Lists users who have not been assigned access rights for the
KVM port.
Available Groups Lists groups that have not been assigned access rights for the
KVM port.
No Access Users Lists users who are restricted from access to the KVM port. If a
user listed in this box is a member of a group that has
permission to access the KVM port, placing the user in this box
restricts the user from accessing the KVM port.
View Only Users Lists users who are permitted to view video from the KVM port.
Full Access Users Lists users who are permitted both to view video from the KVM
port and to control it. If the KVM port cascades a KVM switch,
the user will not be able to access KVM ports on that station until
granted access rights to the individual KVM ports.
View Only Groups Lists groups that are permitted to view video from the KVM port.
Full Access Groups Lists groups that are permitted both to view video from the KVM
port and to control it. If the KVM port cascades a KVM switch,
the group will not be able to access the KVM ports of that station
until granted access rights to the individual KVM ports.