
Aspect Ratios
The term aspect ratio simply refers to the ratio of an
objects’s width to its height. Nonetheless there is
some room for confusion, as both the video display
itself and the picture stored on a disc have an aspect
ratio. Most viewers prefer to see the film in its
original aspect ratio, which preserves the director’s
intention for the composition of the film.
Aspect Ratios of Video Displays
Originally video displays were created with a 4:3
aspect ratio, mimicking the original aspect ratio
used in films. These types of displays are still
available today, and are often referred to as
“standard” displays.
Most modern displays now use a 16:9 aspect ratio
and are referred to as “widescreen” displays.
Widescreen displays are preferred for displaying the
wide aspect ratio movies that have been commonly
made for the last 40 years.
The aspect ratios of video displays are usually given
as a ratio of integers. However as noted below, the