Daewoo DHD-4000D DVD Recorder User Manual

Installation Menu
This allows you to reconfigure your unit in a similar way as manual set except rather than you choosing various
settings the unit will do choose the optimum settings automatically.
Auto Set
Country Select
Use the [œ √] keys to select the county.
France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK(&Ireland), Belgium,
Denmark, OTHERS ( other countries not mentioned)
Use the […†] keys to toggle between the Next/ Cancel
options. If you wish to proceed, highlight
and press
the [SELECT] button on the remote control.
To cancel, highlight the Cancel option and press [SELECT] on the
remote control. To exit, press [SETUP] on the remote control.
œœ UK(&Ireland)
CCoouunnttrryy SSeelleecctt
Please select your country.
Select : Confirm Setup : Exit Choose: Edit :
œ √
Channel Search
The unit will start to automatically search for new channels:
please be patient as this may take a few minutes.
Found 04 Channels
AAuuttoo SSeett
Searching for available channels.
Please wait . . . .
Channel Sorting
The unit will then begin sorting the channels.
If the PVR is connected to a television with the AV link facility,
the channels within the TV settings will be downloaded
AAuuttoo SSeett
Sorting channels found.
Please wait . . . .
10 : 22
02 / Oct / 2003
CClloocckk SSeett
Please enter the current date and time.
Select : Confirm Setup : Exit Edit : Choose:
œ √
Set Clock
Use the [œ √] keys to toggle between hours/mins.
Use the [œ √] keys to toggle between Time and Date.
Use the [œ √] keys to toggle between Date/Month/Year.
Use the […†] keys to change the Date/Time.
Use the [œ √] keys to toggle between Save/Cancel.
To Save, highlight
option and press [SELECT] on the
remote control.
To cancel, highlight the Cancel option and press [SELECT] on the
remote control.
To exit, press [SETUP] on the remote control.
DH-A61D1D-LS(GB)_DESUK 03.7.27 11:45 PM ˘ ` 17