GE IC697VAL348 TV Converter Box User Manual

3-4 IC697VAL348 8-Channel, 16-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Board User’s Manual GFK-2059
– December 2001
Example: The analog output for a digital input of 0A00H would be:
1. 0A00H decimal equivalent is 2560
2. Analog out = -10 V +
((2560) __20__)
= -9.21875
Table 3-4. Control Register Data Format and Definitions
Control and Status Register
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D09 D08
Control and Status Register
D07 D06 D05 D04 D03 D02 D01 D00
Not Used
Bit D15: Not used.
Bit D14: A low state turns the Fail LED ON. A high state turns the Fail LED OFF.
At power-up this control bit is low.
Bit D13: A high state enables the selected analog output to pass out the P2 connector
on test bus 2 (AOTESTBS). At power-up this control bit is low.
Bit D12: A high state enables the selected analog output to pass out the P2 connector
on test bus 1 (AINTESTBS). At power-up this control bit is low.
Bit D11
: When written high, it engages one analog output from the DAC to one of
two test buses. Used in conjunction with D12 and D13 to determine which
test bus is selected. At power-up this control bit is low which disengages
the test buses.
Bit D10: Not used.
Bit D09: Program Control Start Convert. When set to a "one", it generates a signal
that transfers contents of previously loaded DACs to the second rank
register and updates the analog output.
Bit D08: Don’t care
Bits 07 through 00: Not used.
(1) Channel selection for muxing one of the outputs to either test bus is achieved by writing the
CSR data to the data address + 10H. See “Test Mode Programming” on page 3-7 for additional