Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 Flat Panel Television User Manual

Peer-to-Peer Connections 59
PIP (Picture in Picture)
PIP Device Selection Menu 55
Using PIP and POP 101
Playlist Menu, MP3 or WMA7 61
Rating Defi nitions, TV Program 74
Cancel Current Recordings 59
Default Digital (Record) Device
REC key (button) 12, 57, 60
Setting Up Recordings 58
Time-Delayed 58
Remote Control
and NetCommand 47
Batteries 13
Functions, Overview of 12
Programming Codes 104
A/V (all settings) 11
A/V Memory (for individual de-
vices) 77
Pass Code 97
Reset Menu 92
Sleep Timer 13
System Reset Button 11, 89, 92
Review Screen 38
RF Connection for Cable Screen 45
S-Video 26
Safeguards, Important 3
Search A/V Disc. See A/V Discs
Setup Menu 66, 67
Signal Defi nitions 102
Specifi cations 94
SQV (SuperQuickView™) 12
Stand, Removing the Display 5
Stand Removal Instructions 5
Stereo. See A/V Receiver
System Reset. See Reset
Time, How to Set 71
Timer 71
Time Zone 71
Transport Menu 68
Troubleshooting 88
TV Guide On Screen 12, 37, 38, 46
V-Chip 12, 74, 96
Bypassing the V-Chip Lock 97
Rating Defi nitions 74
V-Chip Lock Menu 66, 75
V-Chip Menu 75
VCR 32, 56, 68
and NetCommand 9, 15, 30, 41,
43, 44, 45, 58
Connecting 9, 15, 16, 24, 25, 34
GUIDE Key 57
NetCommand Default Input 20
NetCommand Pre-Memorized
Models 47
NetCommand Specialized De-
vice Keys 109
Programming Codes 105
Restrictions for Traditional VCRs
Transport Menu 68
Video Inputs 15
Video Settings 79
Wall Mount Kit 5