2.3 Maximum Overall Cable Length
2.3 Maximum Overall Cable Length
This section describes how transmission speed and a maximum overall cable length are related when a system is configured
with products of CC-Link Ver.1.10 or later and Ver.1.10-compatible CC-Link dedicated cables.
For the identification of the CC-Link Version, refer to the installation manual issued by the CC-Link Partner Association.
• Ver.1.10-compatible CC-Link dedicated cable (a terminating resistor of 110 used)
2.4 Ver.1.10-Compatible CC-Link Dedicated Cables
Use Ver.1.10-compatible CC-Link dedicated cables for the CC-Link system.
If not, the performance of the CC-Link system is not guaranteed.
For the specifications of Ver.1.10 compatible CC-Link dedicated cables and contact information, refer to the following.
Website of CC-Link Association: http://www.cc-link.org/
For details, refer to the CC-Link Cable Wiring Manual issued by CC-Link Partner Association.
Transmission speed Station-to-station cable length Maximum overall cable length
156kbps 20cm or more 1200m
625kbps 900m
2.5Mbps 400m
5Mbps 160m
10Mbps 100m
Maximum overall cable distance
Master station
Local station or
intelligent device
Station-to-station cable length
Remote I/O station
or remote
device station
Remote I/O station
or remote
device station
Local station or
intelligent device