Chapter 4 55
Using the TV’s Menu System
SRS Stero (•) SRS technology is an audio pr ocessing technology that adds
greater depth and ster eo separation to ster eo audio signals.
SRS Stereo (•) — Focus This technology enhances audio signals by
adding tr eble and making dialog mor e understandable.
Second Audio Program (SAP) Plays the pr ogram’ s audio in a second
language, if one is available. The TV displays the word SAP in the channel
marker when you tune to a pr ogram that is br oadcast with SAP infor mation.
SAP audio is br oadcast in mono. SAP is also used to br oadcast a pr ogram’ s
audio with descriptions of the video for the visually impair ed.
Speakers Displays a choice list that lets you turn the TV’s speakers on or off.
Volume Display Displays a choice list that lets you turn off the TV’s volume
display if you have an audio receiver connected to the fixed audio output jacks.
Sound Logic™ Sound Logic monitors a program’s audio track and limits the
volume to a maximum volume range. Whenever you adjust the volume on the
TV, the maximum volume range adjusts, too.
Picture Quality Menu
Basic Picture Controls Displays the five slider controls for adjusting the way
the picture looks.
Contrast Adjusts the dif fer ence between the light and dark ar eas of
the pictur e.
Color Adjusts the richness of the color .
Tint Adjusts the balance between the r ed and gr een levels.
Black Level Adjusts the brightness of the pictur e.
Sharpness Adjusts the crispness of the edges in the pictur e.
When exiting this menu, the Save Personal Picture Preset choice list will appear.
You can choose either Yes or No. If you save the settings as a Personal Picture
Preset, the TV will store the settings so you can re-select them quickly if
someone changes the settings.
Picture Presets Displays a choice list that lets you select one of three preset
picture settings: Bright Lighting, Normal Lighting, Soft Lighting or Personal
Picture Preset. Choose the setting that is best for your viewing environment.
Auto Color Displays a choice list that lets you turn on the feature that
automatically corrects the color of the picture. (This is especially useful for
tracking realistic flesh tone colors as you switch from channel to channel.)
Choose On or Off, depending on your preference.
Color Warmth Displays a choice list that lets you set one of three automatic
color adjustments: Cool for a more blue palette of picture colors; Normal; and
Warm for a more red palette of picture colors. The warm setting corresponds to
the NTSC standard of 6500 K.
1 Audio...
2 Picture Quality...
3 Screen...
4 Channel...
5 Time...
6 Parental Control..
7 GUIDE Plus+ Menu..
8 Setup...
0 Go Back
1 Basic Picture Controls...
2 Picture Presets...
3 Auto Color...
4 Color Warmth...
5 Video Noise Reduction...
0 Go Back
SRS, Sound Retrieval System, and the SRS logo are registered trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.
Note: Auto Color only appears in
the Picture Quality menu when
the following modes are selected:
Tuner, Vid 1-3, Front, and S-
Video. This feature does not
appear in the Picture Quality
menu if the TV is tuned to
CMPNT or HiRes inputs.
Note: The Basic Picture Controls
menu affects both the TV
controls and the GUIDE Plus+
system. Once you have adjusted
the basic picture controls, you
might want to bring up the
GUIDE Plus+ system to check the