1. Press and hold the SETUP key until the LCD
displays “
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee??
” and the LED remains
on. Release the SETUP key.
2. Press the MACRO key, and “
SSeettuupp aa MMaaccrroo
” appears in
the LCD.
3. Press and release OK on the LCD, then the display
shows “
MMaaccrroo KKeeyy??
” You can choose which key you
would like to store the Macro under (1-9).
4. Press and release the key under which you want to
store a Macro (1-9 available). The display shows
MMaaccrroo XX KKeeyyYYYY??
” where X is 1-9 (depending on which
Macro key you press) and YY is the key being stored
(initially at 01 and increasing to 20 as you store keys
in the Macro).
5. The first key press must be a device key, which is
highlighted on the LCD. Once the first device key is
pressed you can allow your macro set to operate other
devices as long as you do not exceed 20 keystrokes.
6. Once you have selected your device key, the LCD
screen shows the key labels for that device. Press and
release the keys you want to store in the macro in the
exact order you want them to be transmitted.
7. To save the settings, (the series of keystrokes you just
recorded) press and release the SETUP key. The LCD
displays “
PPrreessssDDiiggiitt FFoorr DDeellaayy??
It may be necessary to have “delays” included between
each Macro key sequence (e.g. To let your TV warm up).
If the OK key is pressed, there is an automatic delay of 0.5
seconds between each IR transmission in the sequence.
To increase the delay between each key stroke press the
numbers (1-9). Maximum delay is 9 seconds.
NOTE: • When you activate a Macro, the LCD bottom line
shows which Macro you activated (1-9).
• If you program the maximum number of 20 keys
allowable, the Macro will automatically be stored on
the last keypress and the LCD will display “
SSeettuupp aa
8. Press and release the OK key to exit.
9. Press EXIT on the LCD. Macro key programming
now completed.
To Program A Macro
When programmed and utilized, a Macro key will cause a series of events to occur. A total
number of 20 keystrokes can be stored under each of the 9 available Macro keys. One press of
the Macro key then “plays back” the sequence of commands stored under the Macro key.
NOTE: A shortcut to Macro Setup routines is available by pressing and holding the MACRO key
(to the left under the LCD). Additionally, when in Setup Primary Screens, pressing the MACRO
key jumps to the “Setup a Macro?” routine.
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