2.5.1 Recording types
There are two types of recording: MUX or QUAD type. For resolution, select either D1
(720*480 (NTSC), 720*576 (PAL)) or CIF (360*240 (NTSC), 360*288 (PAL)). Audio channel is
synchronized with the selected video signal. Select Video input quality, Frame rate, and
recording mode.
2.5.2 Recording modes
Recording mode are made up of MANUAL, CONTINUOUS, MOTION, SENSOR,
MOTION+SENSOR, and SCHEDULE mode. A red record light ( ) on the top right corner of
each channel will indicate DVR recording.
In the MANUAL mode, the DVR starts to record on/off whenever the RECORD button is pressed.
2.6 Playback
2.6.1 Press the Play button
The DVR will playback either the first recorded file or the last recorded file according to the
setting in the Playback Setup menu.
2.6.2 Audio files
You will hear audio when video files containing audio is selected for playback.
2.7 Search
2.7.1 Search mode
The DVR-T4IP has 3 types of search modes:
SEARCH BY TIME: Displays recorded data by recording time and camera number.
STILL IMAGE SEARCH: Displays recorded still images.
BACKUP HDD SEARCH: Displays data list from the backup Hard Disk drive.
2.7.2 Search method
When you press Search, select from three options listed: Search by Time, Still Image
Search, & Backup HDD Search. A detailed search list will open. Press OK button to view
the selected file.
Use the Left/Right key to move page by page. The Up/Down key is used to move between
items on the same page.