4.3 RAMS (Remote Access & Monitoring System)
4.3.1 Screen and button
① Event indication icon (
Motion, Sensor). The color will change upon event activation.
=> , => )
② Screen display
③ Channel function button (On/Off, Capture, Record)
④ Channel selection button (1CH, 2CH, 3CH, 4CH, Quad)
⑤ Quad Capture, Quad Record button, sound On/Off, volume adjustment
⑥ Click to view program version and to upgrade DVR S/W
⑦ Time/date indicator
⑧ PC Hard disk information
⑨ Live view or Playback mode indicator
⑩ Connected DVR information indicator
⑪ Pan/Tilt, Zoom/Focus button
⑫ DVR Connect button, recording time setting button, UniPlayer link button, parameter setting button,
Full Screen button, DVR recording button, DVR retrieve & backup button, DVR Setting button
⑬.Close program