everyday operation
Information Banner
Whenever you change channel, using the P/CH+ and - P/CH keys or the
number keys, the TV displays the channel picture along with an information
banner at the bottom of the screen. This will remain on the screen for approxi-
mately three seconds. The information banner can also be displayed at any
time while watching TV by pressing the
INFO key on the remote control.
Pressing the
INFO key again removes the banner.
Not all channels broadcast the
programme data. If the name and
times of the programme is not
available then No Information
Available is displayed in the infor-
mation banner.
The information banner gives a
number of facts on the channel se-
lected and the programmes on it.
The name of the channel is dis-
played, along with its channel list
number and an indication of the
strength of the signal received on
this tuning channel.
The name and the start and finish
time of the programme currently
showing on the selected channel
are given, and the current time.
Icons are also displayed in the in-
formation banner and if this chan-
nel is a favourite channel (see AD-
Channels section).
favourite channel
50052932-1552UK (TOSHIBA UK)17 INCH TFT-IDTV-WO WM-dilek p65 11 05 2004 15:2912