If BBXS is not active when subtype 2 records are requested, the fields shown in Table 29
contain null data. The equivalent fields in CMFMON’s online component appear on the ARD
screen; these fields are identified in Table 29 below.
Flag R792RSM is set to indicate that these fields are invalid.
If BBXS is not active when subtype 3 records are requested, the record cannot be returned at
all. The CMF Type 79 API issues a return code of 12 to indicate that an external sampler is
XDS Requirements
Displaying data from a remote system or displaying 79 subtype 15 records requires XDS to
provide the data. If you are planning to display remote system data or display the ILOCK
screen, make sure the XDS data buffer is active. For more information, see “Displaying Data
from a Remote System” on page 31.
Additional ILOCK Screen Requirements
CMFMON displays ILOCK data from all systems. Therefore, XDS must be active on every
system from which you want information, as well as on the local system.
There is no data-gathering component for the ILOCK screen. Instead, the retrieval of the IRLM
data from the SMF data buffer is done by CMFMON.
Data collection is initiated by the operator who, at the console, issues the RUNTIMEO exit for
one system in the sysplex by typing:
The command will be propagated automatically to all other systems.
When the SMF records are eventually written by the IRLMs in the data-sharing group, the
reporter can fetch these SMF records (79-15) out of the XDS data buffer.
If you request ILOCK information and receive the message that no data is available for the
report, you need to ask the operator to issue the previously discussed command.
Note: Access to the SMF data buffer requires appropriate security authorization.
Table 29. Fields Containing Null Data when BBXS Is Inactive
Field Description ARD Field Name
R792PRFX Total fixed frames PRIV FF
R792FXBL Fixed frames below the 16MB line FF BEL
R792NLQF Non-LSQA fixed frames LSQA ESF
R792LSQA LSQA fixed frames LSQA CSF
R792LSQR LSQA real storage pages Not used
R792LSQE LSQA expanded storage pages Not used