MainView Desktop. Version of the MainView window
interface designed to run on OS/2 and Windows workstations.
MainView display area. See MainView window area.
MainView Explorer. Product that provides access to
MainView products from a Web browser running under
Windows. MainView Explorer replaces MainView Desktop.
MainView for CICS. Product (formerly MV MANAGER for
CICS) that provides realtime application performance analysis
and monitoring for CICS system management.
MainView for DB2. Product (formerly MV MANAGER for
DB2) that provides realtime and historical application
performance analysis and monitoring for DB2 subsystem
MainView for DBCTL. Product (formerly MV MANAGER
for DBCTL) that provides realtime application performance
analysis and monitoring for DBCTL management.
MainView for IMS. Product (formerly MV MANAGER for
IMS) that provides realtime application performance analysis
and monitoring for IMS management.
MainView for MVS. System management application
(formerly MV MANAGER for MVS). Built upon the
MainView window environment architecture, it uses the
window interface to provide access to system performance
data and other functions necessary in the overall management
of an enterprise.
MainView for OS/390. System management application
(formerly MainView for MVS (prior to version 2.5)). Built
upon the MainView window environment architecture, it uses
the window interface to provide access to system performance
data and other functions necessary in the overall management
of an enterprise.
MainView Selection Menu. ISPF selection panel that
provides access to all MainView windows-mode and
full-screen mode products.
MainView VistaPoint. Product that provides enterprise-wide
views of performance. Application and workload views are
available for CICS, DB2, IMS, and MVS. Data is summarized
at the level of detail needed; e.g., reports may be for a single
target, an MVS image, or an entire enterprise.
MainView window area. Portion of the information display
that is not the control area and in which views are displayed
and windows opened. It includes all but the first three lines of
the information display. Contrast with MainView control area.
monitor. Online service that measures resources or workloads
at user-defined intervals and issues warnings when
user-defined thresholds are exceeded.
MV MANAGER for CICS. See MainView for CICS.
MV MANAGER for DB2. See MainView for DB2.
MV MANAGER for DBCTL. See MainView for DBCTL.
MV MANAGER for IMS. See MainView for IMS.
MV MANAGER for MVS. See MainView for MVS.
MVALARM. See MainView Alarm Manager.
MVCICS. See MainView for CICS.
MVDB2. See MainView for DB2.
MVDBC. See MainView for DBCTL.
MVIMS. See MainView for IMS.
MVMQS. See Command MQ for S/390
MVMVS. See MainView for OS/390.
MVS product address space (PAS). Address space
containing MVS data collectors, including the CMF
MONITOR Extractor. Used by MainView for MVS and CMF
MONITOR products. See PAS.
MVScope. MainView for MVS application that traces both
CPU usage down to the CSECT level and I/O usage down to
the channel program level.
MVVP. See MainView VistaPoint.
nested help. Multiple layers of help pop-up windows. Each
successive layer is accessed by hyperlinking from the previous
object. Anything you can manipulate as a single unit.
MainView objects can be any of the following: product,
secondary window, view, row, column, or field.
You can issue an action against an object by issuing a line
command in the line command column to the left of the object.
See action.
OMVS workload. Workload consistingofMVS OpenEdition
address spaces.
online help. Help information that is accessible online.
parameter library. Data set comprised of members
containing parameters for specific MainView products or a
support component. There can be several versions:
• The distributed parameter library, called BBPARM
• A site-specific parameter library or libraries
These can be
– A library created by AutoCustomization, called
– A library created manually, with a unique name