Chapter 2. Using CMFMON’s Online Facility 33
• For performance reasons, CDUDAM sets the RECOVERY
parameter to OFF.
Output format Indicates whether you want the exported data to be in Comma
Separated Value (CSV) format or in the format as it appears
online (ASIS).
Note: If you have set your ISPF decimal delimiter variable
(ZDEC) to a value other than a decimal point (.), then a
semicolon (;) is used instead of a comma (,) to separate
the values.
Rows Indicates whether you want to ignore any filters that may be in
effect and export all the data (ALL), or just export the data
displayed on the screen (FILTERED).
Note: The amount of data that CMFMON exports is determined by the size of the data set to
which you export, not the size of your terminal display. For example, suppose you
have an 80-byte terminal monitor and must scroll to the right to see all the fields on a
particular screen. When you export that screen—for example, to a 121-character data
set—CMFMON exports the full 121 characters worth of data, not just the 80 bytes
currently visible.
If you are planning to create a data set expressly to export CMFMON screens,
Boole & Babbage recommends that the data set be at least 132 characters wide.
3. To return to the CMFMON display, press PF3 to end the session and save the data, or on
the COMMAND line, type CANCEL to quit without saving.