This glossary defines BMC Software terminology. Other dictionaries and glossaries may be used in conjunction with
this glossary.
Since this glossary pertains to BMC Software-related products, some of the terms defined may not appear in this
To help you find the information you need, this glossary uses the following cross-references:
action. Defined operation, such as modifying a MainView
window, that is performed in response to a command. See
active window. Any MainView window in which data can be
refreshed. See alternate window, current window, window.
administrative view. Display from which a product’s
management tasks are performed, such as the DSLIST view
for managing historical data sets. See view.
ALT WIN field. Input field that allows you to specify the
window identifier for an alternate window where the results of
a hyperlink are displayed. See alternate window.
Alternate Access. See MainView Alternate Access.
alternate form. View requested through the FORM
command that changes the format of a previously displayed
view to show related information. See also form, query.
alternate window. (1) Window that is specifically selected to
display the results of a hyperlink. (2) Window whose identifier
is defined to the ALT WIN field. Contrast with current
window. See active window, window, ALT WIN field.
analyzer. (1) Online display that presents a snapshot of status
and activity data and indicates problem areas. (2) Component
application. (1) Program that performs a specific set of tasks
within a MainView product. (2) In MainView VistaPoint,
combination of workloads to enable display of their
transaction performance data in a single view.
application trace. See trace.
ASCH workload. Workload comprising Advanced Program-
to-Program Communication (APPC) address spaces.
AutoCustomization. Online facility for customizing the
installation of products. AutoCustomization provides an ISPF
panel interface that both presents customization steps in
sequence and provides current status information about the
progress of the installation.
automatic screen update. Usage mode wherein the currently
displayed screen is refreshed automatically with new data at an
interval you specify. Invoked by the ASU command.
AutoOPERATOR. MainView product that uses tools,
techniques, and facilities to automate routine operator tasks
and provide online performance monitoring, and that achieves
high availability through error minimization, improved
productivity, and problem prediction and prevention.
batch workload. Workload consisting of address spaces
running batch jobs.
BBI. See Boole & Babbage Intercommunications (BBI)
BBI-SS PAS. See BBI subsystem product address space.
BBI subsystem product address space (BBI-SS PAS).
MVS subsystem address space that manages communication
between local and remote systems and that contains one or
more of the following products:
• MainView for CICS
• MainView for DB2
• MainView for DBCTL
• MainView for IMS
• Command MQ for S/390
• MainView VistaPoint (for CICS, DB2, and IMS
Contrast with Indicates a term that has a contrary or contradictory meaning.
See Indicates an entry that is a synonym or contains expanded information.
See also Indicates an entry that contains related information.