The data available with CMFMON is supplied by the CX10GVID (for local system data) and
the CX10XDGS (for remote system data) application program interfaces (APIs). See the CMF
MONITOR Batch User Guide and Reference (TD-50J) for more information on the CMF APIs.
If you are interested in the layout of each type 79 record, see CMFSMF79 in hilevel.BBSAMP.
Understanding CMFMON’s Online Facility
Online Facility
CMFMON’s online facility presents job- and system-related data on demand for use in solving
immediate problems. A CMFMON online session generates a snapshot report from a single
data sample. These snapshots are presented as a series of formatted online screens. Once you
have displayed a screen, you can use CMFMON’s sophisticated ISPF interface to:
• EXPORT the data into data sets for later use or for downloading to a PC for use in a
• Access data from a remote system in your sysplex.
• Customize the screen by:
– Reordering fields
– Including and excluding fields
– Sorting the data in a field
– Placing a filter on a field to display only certain values.
These changes may or may not be saved across CMFMON sessions, depending on your
• Display online help on any screen or field on a screen.
• Specify whether you want certain fields to reflect changes between collection intervals or
total values accumulated across intervals.
• Display detailed data about specific jobs using fast paths.
79-8 Transaction activity data TRX
79-9 Device activity data DEV (DEVICE)
79-10 Domain activity data DDMN
79-11 Page and swap data set activity PGSPP
79-12 Channel path activity CHANNEL
79-13 I/O queuing activity by logical control unit for the
308x and 4381 processors
79-14 I/O queuing activity by logical control unit for the
3090, ES/9000 series processors
Table 6. Record 79 Subtypes Provided by CMFMON (Page 2 of 2)
Description Screen/
Control Statement