Chapter 2. Using CMFMON’s Online Facility 29
Displaying Deltas and Totals
Seven CMFMON screens contain pairs of fields that present the same data from different
points of view: one field in total mode and the other in delta mode.
Total and delta mode behave slightly differently, depending on the screen at which you are
looking. The following table explains these differences.
To enter delta mode, in the COMMAND field, type DElta. To enter total mode, type DElta
The default for all screens is total mode. If you are in delta mode when you exit a screen, total
mode is immediately restored.
Screens In Total Mode In Delta Mode Delta Data is Updated
All fields display the
cumulative value with each
pressing of the Enter key.
Certain Total fields are
replaced by Delta fields,
which begin with a D.
Delta fields display the
difference in values with
each pressing of the Enter
Each time you press Enter.
All fields display the
average value over the
current CMF or RMF
Extractor interval
(typically 15 minutes).
All fields are considered
delta fields, and each
displays the difference in
values over one or more
sampling cycles that occur
with each pressing of the
Enter key.
The delta heading names
are the same as in total
At the conclusion of the current
CMF or RMF Extractor sampling
cycle (typically 1 to 5 seconds).
XDSP All fields display the
cumulative value from the
time the Cross-System
Data Server was started.
Delta mode is available
only for the Cross-System
Callable Services
Performance Statistics
portion of the XDSP
Delta fields display the
difference in values with
each pressing of the Enter
Each time you press Enter.