provide configuration, administration, performance
monitoring and operations management for the MQM
(message queue manager) network.
Command MQ for S/390. Delivers comprehensive
capabilities for configuration, administration, performance
monitoring and operations management for an entire MQM
(message queue manager) network.
MainView for MVS that monitors usage and reconfigures
MVS common storage blocks.
composite workload. Workload made up of a WLM
workload or other workloads, which are called constituent
constituent workload. Member of a composite workload.
Constituent workloads in a composite usually belong to a
single workload class, but sometimes are mixed.
contention. Occurs when there are more requests for service
than there are servers available.
context. In a Plex Manager view, field that contains the name
of a target or group of targets specified with the CONTEXT
command. See scope, service point, SSI context, target context.
CONTEXT command. Specifies either a MainView product
and a specific target for that product (see target context) or a
MainView product and a name representing one or more
targets (see SSI context) for that product.
control statement. (1) Statement that interrupts a sequence of
instructions and transfers control to another part of the
program. (2) Statement that names samplers and other
parameters that configure the MainView components to
perform specified functions. (3) In CMF MONITOR,
statement in a parameter library member used to identify a
sampler in the extractor or a report in the analyzer, or to
describe either component’s processing requirements to the
operating system.
coupling facility monitoring (CFMON). Coupling facility
views that monitor the activity of your system’s coupling
CPO. Customized Product Offering. Delivery and installation
technique that allows any combination of BMC Software
SMP/E-maintainable products to be distributed on a product
tape to a customer and installed quickly. The CPO product
tape contains libraries required for product customization and
execution, plus SMP distribution libraries and data sets needed
for application of SMP maintenance.
current data. Data that reflects the system in its current state.
The two types of current data are realtime data and interval
data. Contrast with historical data. See also interval data and
realtime data.
current window. In the MainView window environment,
window where the main dialog with the application takes
place. The current window is used as the default window
destination for commands issued on the COMMAND line
when no window number is specified. Contrast with alternate
window. See active window, window.
DASD. Direct Access Storage Device. (1) A device with
rotating recording surfaces that provides immediate access to
stored data. (2) Any device that responds to a DASD program.
DASD ADVISOR. An interactive software tool that
diagnoses DASD performance problems and makes
recommendations to reduce overall service time. This tool
measures and reports on the operational performance of IBM
and IBM-compatible devices.
data collector. Program that belongs to a MainView product
and that collects data from various sources and stores the data
in records used by views. For example, MainView for MVS
data collectors obtain data from MVS services, MVS control
blocks, CMF MONITOR Extractor control blocks, and other
sources. Contrast with extractor.
delta mode. (1) In MainView for DB2 analyzer displays,
difference between the value sampled at the start of the current
statistics interval and the value sampled by the current
analyzer request. See also statistics interval. (2) In CMFMON,
usage mode wherein certain columns of data reflect the
difference in values between one sample cycle and the next.
Invoked by the DELta ON command. See also collection
interval, sample cycle, total mode.
DMR. See MainView for DB2.
DSO. Data Set Optimizer. CMF MONITOR Extractor
component that uses CMF MONITOR Extractor data to
produce reports specifying the optimal ordering of data sets on
moveable head devices.
element. (1) Data component of a data collector record,
shown in a view as a field. (2) Internal value of a field in a
view, used in product functions.
element help. Online help for a field in a view. The preferred
term is field help.
Event Collector. Component for MainView for IMS and
MainView for DBCTL that collects data about events in the
IMS environment. This data is required for Workload Monitor
and optional for Workload Analyzer (except for the workload
trace service). This data also is recorded as transaction records
(X‘FA’) and program records (X‘F9’) on the IMS system log
for later use by the batch products: Performance Reporter and
Transaction Accountant. If the Extensions for DB2 option to
IMS PR, IMS TA, IMS WA, or IMS WM is installed, the
Event Collector also measures DB2 activity through the
Attach facility.
expand. Predefined link from one display to a related display.
See also hyperlink.
Extensions for DB2. Additions to MainView for IMS and
MainView for DBCTL that gather DB2 subsystem activity
through the IMS Attach facility. These additions are licensed
as options to IMS PR, IMS TA, IMS WA, and IMS WM. No