Chapter 4. Generating CMFMON Batch Reports 61
Chapter 4. Generating CMFMON Batch Reports
This chapter explains how to generate batch reports using type 79 records. These reports allow
you to automatically capture and save snapshots of the data shown in the screens discussed in
Chapter 2, “Using CMFMON’s Online Facility” on page 5. The following topics are presented
in this chapter:
• “Defining CMFMON Batch Report JCL” on page 61
• “Understanding Report Headings” on page 68
• “Defining Control Statements for Requesting Reports” on page 69
Defining CMFMON Batch Report JCL
You can select one or more CMFMON reports to be generated and sent to a data set by running
a batch job. Control statements are used to specify the reports you want to produce. Keywords
on control statements allow you to:
• Filter the data
• Sort the data by a particular column in either ascending or descending order
• Create a title for the report
• Customize the order in which the columns appear
• Specify the report mode (TOTAL or DELTA)
In addition, the GLOBAL control statement is used to specify characteristics common to all
CMFMON batch reports produced with a set of control statements. This statement can be used
to request data from remote systems, control the interval of realtime reports, and add a
common heading to all reports. For information on using control statement keywords, see
“Keywords for Report Control Statements” on page 70.
Batch reports are generated when the JCL is submitted. A sample set of JCL for running your
batch job is located in hilevel.UBBSAMP member CMFJMONB, and is shown in Figure 31 on
page 63. You may need to modify this JCL depending on which type of data you want to use
for your reports. The three types of data (historical, XDS data buffer, and realtime) are
explained in “Input Data for CMFMON Batch Reports”. The two types of data (historical and
realtime) are also explained in “Input Data for CMFMON Batch Reports”.
JCL statements point to the type 79 input records for reports, and direct diagnostic and error
messages, should your job encounter problems.
Input Data for CMFMON Batch Reports
CMFMON batch reports can be produced using one of the following types of data:
Historical data in data sets
Historical data includes any type of data written out to a data set for later use. To
generate reports using historical data from one or more BSAM data sets or a single
VSAM data set, specify the data set(s) on the CMF79IN DD statement.