Historical data from the CMF PAS XDS data buffer
You can generate reports that use SMF type 79 data stored in the XDS data buffer.
Generating these reports requires the XDS data buffer to be active and collecting
type 79 records. In addition, the CMFMON write facility (CX10GV79) must be
writing to SMF. See the CMF MONITOR Batch User Guide and Reference
(TD-50J) for information on using the XDS APIs. See Chapter 3, “Using
CMFMON’s Write Facility” on page 37 for information about the CMFMON write
The recent historical data contained in theCMF PAS XDS data buffer might be
useful for generating reports about system performance over the course of a day, or
for tracking down the cause of a problem that occurred several hours ago.
To use data from the XDS buffer in your batch reports, you must make sure that
XDS is collecting type 79 records. A sample member, CMFXDS02, located in
hilevel.UBBPARM provides the correct settings for generating CMFMON batch
reports with XDS buffer data.
See the CMF MONITOR Customization Guide (TD-502) for more information
about activating the MVS PAS and the XDS data buffer.
To generate reports using data from the XDS data buffer, both of the following
conditions must exist:
• The CMF79IN DD statement is omitted from the JCL.
• The GLOBAL control statement does not contain the RUNTIME keyword.
Realtime data
The CMFMON batch report JCL invokes the appropriate API to get SMF type 79
records reflecting the current system activity. Reports are produced based on these
realtime records. The records are discarded after the report is generated.
To generate reports using realtime data, both of the following conditions must exist:
• The CMF79IN DD statement is omitted from the JCL.
• The GLOBAL control statement contains the RUNTIME= keyword which
specifies the length of time the CMFMON batch report session is to remain
The sample JCL member is located in hilevel.UBBSAMP member CMFJMONB and is
discussed in “Using the Sample JCL and Control Statement Members” on page 63.
The sample control statement member is located in hilevel.UBBPARM member CMFMNB00
and is discussed in “Using Control Statements” on page 65.