BBPARM. See parameter library.
BBPROC. See procedure library.
BBPROF. See profile library.
BBSAMP. See sample library.
BBV. See MainView Alternate Access.
BBXS. Boole & Babbage Subsystem Services. Common set
of service routines loaded into common storage and used by
several BMC Software MainView products (originally
packaged by Boole & Babbage, Inc.).
Boole & Babbage Intercommunications (BBI) System. For
BMC Software MainView products (originally packaged by
Boole & Babbage, Inc.), basic architecture that distributes
work between workstations and multiple MVS targets.
border. Visual indication of the boundaries of a window.
bottleneck analysis. Process of determining which resources
have insufficient capacity to provide acceptable service levels
and that therefore can cause performance problems.
CAS. Coordinating address space. One of the address spaces
used by the MainView windows environment architecture. The
CAS supplies common services and enables communication
between linked systems. Each MVS image requires a separate
CAS. Cross-system communication is established through the
CAS using VTAM and XCF communication links.
CFMON. See coupling facility monitoring.
chart. Display format for graphical data. See also graph.
CICSplex. User-defined set of one or more CICS systems
that are controlled and managed as a single functional entity.
CMF MONITOR. Comprehensive Management Facility
MONITOR. Product that measures and reports on all critical
system resources, such as CPU, channel, and device usage;
memory, paging, and swapping activity; and workload
CMF MONITOR Analyzer. Batch component of CMF
MONITOR that reads the SMF user and 70 series records
created by the CMF MONITOR Extractor and/or the RMF
Extractor and formats them into printed system performance
CMF MONITOR Extractor. Component of CMF that
collects performance statistics for CMF MONITOR Analyzer,
CMF MONITOR Online, MainView for MVS, and RMF
postprocessor. See CMF MONITOR Analyzer, CMF
MONITOR Online, MainView for MVS.
CMF MONITOR Online. Component of CMF that uses the
MainView window interface to present data on all address
spaces, their use of various system resources, and the delays
that each address space incurs while waiting for access to these
resources. See CMF MONITOR, MainView for MVS.
CMF Type 79 API. Application programming interface,
provided by CMF, that provides access to MainView SMF-
type 79 records.
CMFMON. Component of CMF MONITOR that simplifies
online retrieval of information about system hardware and
application performance and creates MainView SMF-type 79
The CMFMON online facility can be used to view data in one
or more formatted screens.
The CMFMON write facility can be used to write collected
data as MainView SMF-type 79 records to an SMF or
sequential data set.
CMRDETL. MainView for CICS data set that stores detail
transaction records (type 6E) and abend records (type 6D).
Detail records are logged for each successful transaction.
Abend records are written when an abend occurs. Both records
have the same format when stored on CMRDETL.
CMRSTAT. MainView for CICS data set that stores both
CICS operational statistic records, at 5-minute intervals, and
other records, at intervals defined by parameters specified
during customization (using CMRSOPT).
column. Vertical component of a view or display, typically
containing fields of the same type of information, that varies
by the objects associated in each row.
collection interval. Length of time data is collected. See also
delta mode, total mode.
command delimiter. Special character, usually a ;
(semicolon), used to stack commands typed concurrently on
the COMMAND line for sequential execution.
COMMAND line. Line in the control area of the display
screen where primary commands can be typed. Contrast with
line command column.
Command MQ Automation D/S. Command MQ agents,
which provide local proactive monitoring for both MQSeries
and MSMQ (Microsoft message queue manager). The
Command MQ agents operate at the local node level where
they continue to perform functions regardless of the
availability of the MQM (message queue manager) network.
Functionality includes automatic monitoring and restarts of
channels, queue managers, queues and command servers. In
cases where automated recovery is not possible, the agents
transport critical alert information to a central console.
Command MQ Automation S/390. Command MQ
component, which monitors the MQM (message queue
manager) networks and intercedes to perform corrective
actions when problems arise. Solutions include:
• Dead-Letter Queue management
• System Queue Archival
• Service Interval Performance solutions
• Channel Availability
These solutions help ensure immediate relief to some of the
most pressing MQM operations and performance problems.
Command MQ for D/S. Command MQ for D/S utilizes a
true client/server architecture and employs resident agents to