These can be
– A library created by AutoCustomization, called
– A library created manually, with a unique name
sampler. Program that monitors a specific aspect of system
performance. Includes utilization thresholds used by the
Exception Monitor. The CMF MONITOR Extractor contains
SBBPROF. See profile library.
scope. Subset of an SSI context. The scope could be all the
data for the context or a subset of data within the context. It is
user- or site-defined. See SSI context, target.
screen definition. Configuration of one or more views that
have been stored with the SAVEScr command and assigned a
unique name. A screen includes the layout of the windows and
the view, context, system, and product active in each window.
selection view. In MainView products, view displaying a list
of available views.
service class workload. MVS- or MainView for
MVS-defined collection of address spaces.
If you are running MVS Workload Manager (WLM) in goal
mode, MainView for MVS creates a service class workload for
each service class that you define through WLM definition
If you are running MVS 4.3 or earlier, or MVS/SP 5.1 or later
with WLM in compatibility mode, MVS creates a
performance group workload instead of a service class. See
performance group workload.
service objective. Workload performance goal, specified in
terms of response time for TSO workloads or turnaround time
for batch workloads. Performance group workloads can be
measured by either objective. Composite workload service
objectives consist of user-defined weighting factors assigned
to each constituent workload. There are no MVS-related
measures of service for started task workloads.
service point. Specification, to MainView, of the services
required to enable a specific product. Services may be actions,
selectors, or views. Each target (e.g., CICS, DB2, or IMS, )
has its own service point.
The PLEX view lists all the defined service points known to
the CAS to which the terminal session is connected.
service request block (SRB). Control block that represents a
routine to be dispatched. SRB mode routines generally
perform work for the operating system at a high priority. An
SRB is similar to a task control block (TCB) in that it
identifies a unit of work to the system. See also task control
service select code. Code entered to invoke analyzers,
monitors, and general services. This code is also the name of
the individual service.
session. Total period of time an address space has been active.
A session begins when monitoring can be performed. If the
product address space (PAS) starts after the job, the session
starts with the PAS.
SRB. See service request block.
single system image (SSI). Feature of the MainView window
environment architecture that allows you to view and perform
actions on multiple MVS systems as though they were a single
system. The rows of a single tabular view can contain rows
from different MVS images.
SpaceView for MVS. Suite of products that assist in all
phases of MVS storage management. SpaceView consists of
components that perform automation, reporting, trend
analysis, and error correction for storage management in
SSI. See single system image.
SSI context. Name created to represent one or more targets
for a given product. See context, target.
started task workload. Address spaces running jobs that
were initiated programmatically.
statistics interval. For MainView for DB2, cumulative count
within a predefined interval (30-minute default set by the
DB2STATS parameter in the distributed BBPARM member
BBIISP00) for an analyzer service DELTA or RATE display.
Specifying the DELTA parameter displays the current value as
the difference between the value sampled by the current
analyzer request and the value sampled at the start of the
current interval. Specifying the RATE parameter displays the
current value by minute (DELTA divided by the number of
elapsed minutes).
summary view. View created from a tabular view using the
Summarize option in view customization. A summary view
compresses several rows of data into a single row based on the
summarize criteria.
SYSPROG services. Component of MainView for MVS.
Over 100 services that detect, diagnose, and correct MVS
system problems as they occur. Accessible from either the
EZMFPROG or the EZMSPROG menu of MainView for
system resource. See object.
target. Entity monitored by one or more MainView products,
such as an MVS image, IMS or DB2 subsystem, CICS region,
or related workloads across systems. See context, scope, SSI
target context. Single target/product combination. See
TASCOSTR. MainView for IMS and MainView for DBCTL
program that summarizes detail and summary IMS Resource
Utilization Files (IRUFs) to be used as input to the offline