2. Renaming a song drive
Here’s how you can check the capacity of each song drive,
and rename a song drive.
You can also rename a song drive in the Select Drive dialog box
that appears when you click the Drive button in the SelectSong
or Album CD Project dialog box.
(1) Access the SYSTEM/MIDI, “DiskUtility” tab page.
(2) Click the Drive Info button to display the Drive Infor-
mation dialog box.
For each drive, the dialog box displays the total capacity,
song drive name, used area, and free area.
(3) If you want to rename a drive, select that drive in the
song drive list, click the Rename button, and rename it
in the Rename dialog box (→p.36).
For details on the file names you can use, refer to “More
about drives and files” (→p.171).
3. Checking the hard disk
This operation finds and fixes errors on a song drive of the
hard disk. Perform this operation if “Disk too busy.” errors
still appear even after you have executed the Optimize track
editing operation. After you perform this operation, if the
“Disk too busy” error messages no longer appear, then, you
will still be able to use the song data.
You cannot check the PC drive.
(1) Access the SYSTEM/MIDI, “DiskUtility” tab page,
and click the Check Drive button to display the Check
Drive dialog box.
(2) Click one of the Area list buttons to specify the area
that you want to check.
Current Song
Check and repair the area used by the currently
selected song.
Of the unused area, check and repair the next 2 GB
that will be used.
Current Partition
Check and repair the area of the currently selected
song drive (partition).
All Partitions
Check and repair all partitions and the area used by
the system.
(3) Execute the check.
• Click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
begin checking.
• If you want to stop mid-way through the check, click
the Cancel button (or press the panel NO key).
• When the operation is completed, the display will
indicate “Completed.” Click the OK button (or press
the panel YES key).
If a message such as “Repaired successfully.,” Drive Error
occurred.,” or “Repaired, but some audio data was lost.” ap-
pears, refer to “Various messages” (→p.168).
4. Formatting the hard disk
Perform this procedure if you want to erase data from an en-
tire song drive or the PC drive, or if the “Drive Error oc-
curred.” display appears frequently and checking the hard
disk does not improve the situation. You can format the song
drive and PC drive together in a single operation, or format
them separately.
When you execute the Format operation, all data on the selected
song drive or PC drive will be erased. Be sure to check the contents
of the drive before you format it.
If a power failure or similar accident occurs during the formatting
process, it is possible that the D3200 will no longer operate cor-
rectly. If this occurs, please contact your Korg distributor.
(1) Access the SYSTEM/MIDI, “DiskUtility” tab page,
and click the Format button to display the Format dia-
log box.
(2) Click the “Drive” popup button, and select the drive
that you want to format.
A...D: the specified individual song drive
PC: the PC drive
A–D: all song drives
ALL: the entire hard disk
(3) Select the desired method.
(4) Click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key). The
display will ask “Are You Sure?” To execute the opera-
tion, click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key).
• If you decide not to format, click the No button (or
press the panel NO key).
• Formatting will erase all data from the selected drive.
Quick: Use this when you want to erase the data saved in
an individual song drive or the PC drive. This op-
eration will take only a short time.
ALL → approximately 7 seconds: 40 GB
Full: Use this if the “Drive Error occurred” error mes-
sage occurs frequently, or if error messages ap-
pear even after you perform the “Check Drive”
operation. This operation will take a long time to
be completed.
ALL → approximately 7 hours: 40 GB