(6)Adjust the EQ settings of channel 4.
Click the CH cell and use the value dial or the panel + or – keys to select the other channel
assigned to your keyboard. In this example, input 4 (channel 4).
You can apply EQ to the other channel of the stereo keyboard connected to INPUT 3. Adjust the
EQ as described in step (3).
The D3200 allows you to “pair” adjacent pairs of channels (odd, even). If you pair the two keyboard
channels, the EQ settings you make for one channel will also be applied to the other channel as well,
so you do not need to EQ each channel separately. (→p.46 “3-5. Pairing”).
Applying effects to the input sound
It’s also easy to apply the D3200’s effects after recording the sound (→p.28).
Here’s how to apply effects to the input from your guitar. First, let’s assign insert effect 1 to
channel1; the guitar’s input channel.
(1)Press the EFFECT key and select the “EFFRouting” tab page.
(2)Assign the effect routing.
Click the InsEFF1 IN/TR cell (it will become highlighted) and use the value dial or the +/– keys
to select “IN.”
IN stands for Input, and TR stands for Track; choose IN if you want to apply the effect to the
input sound, or TR if you want to apply the effect to the playback.
(3)Select a channel.
Click the InsEFF1 CH cell (highlighted) and use the value dial or the +/– keys to select “1.”
Insert Effect 1 is now assigned to the guitar’s input channel. Next, let’s choose an effect.
(4)Choose an effect type.
Select the InsEFF1 edit cell (highlighted), click the Select button. The Select EFF Category dialog
box will appear. Here you can select what type of effect you want to use on the guitar.
For this example, click “Dynamics&Filter” from the “Mono” category.
(5)Choose an effect program.
The Select EFF Program dialog box will appear. Now you can
select the effect.
For this example, click “Compressor” and then click the OK
button in the LCD screen (or press the panel YES key).
Insert effect 1 is now applying a “Compressor” to the guitar
sound assigned to channel 1.
You can apply effects to the mic and keyboard inputs in the same
way. Here are a couple more examples.
(6)Assign insert effect 2.
Set InsEFF2 to IN, and set the CH to 2.
Click the InsEFF2 edit cell and select the “Room” effect from “Reverb&Delay” in the “Mono”
(2) (3)