LOC 1/IN ...
4b. Parameter/Parameter value [MIDI value]/Location
Click the parameter or location (highlight) that you
want to edit, and use the value dial (or +/– keys) to
edit it.
The only way to edit a scene is to change its location.
The values will not be updated until you click the OK
button (or press the panel YES key) to confirm your
5. Cut
Click this button to open the Cut Event dialog box.
The selected event will be cut (deleted) from the event
list. However, the event itself will be temporarily saved
in the edit buffer (clipboard).
To execute the cut, click the Yes button (or press the panel
YES key). To cancel, click the No button (or press the
panel NO key).
To cut all events in the event list, click (highlight) the
Select All button and then execute Cut.
6. Copy
Click this button to open the Copy Event dialog box.
The selected event will be copied temporarily to the edit
buffer (clipboard).
To execute the copy, click the Yes button (or press the
panel YES key). To cancel, click the No button (or press
the panel NO key).
To copy all events in the event list, click (highlight) the
Select All button and then execute Copy.
7. Paste
Click this button to open the Paste Event dialog box. The
event temporarily saved in the edit buffer (clipboard) will
be pasted at the selected event.
To execute the paste, click the Yes button (or press the
panel YES key). To cancel, click the No button (or press
the panel NO key).
If the event at the paste-destination is the same type as the
event that was Cut or Copied, it will be overwritten. If the
event at the paste-destination is a different type, the pasted
event will be added at that location.
If you paste multiple events (Select All), they will overwrite
the existing data starting at the paste-destination you selected.
However, only the types of event included in these multiple
events will be overwritten.
8. Undo
Click this button to return to the state prior to executing
Cut, Copy, or Paste. This can be used only to return to the
immediately previous state. If the button indicates Redo,
you can use it to cancel the Undo.
The data is held in common with the “7. Undo” data of “2c-2.
Automation.” If you click the Automation Undo button
immediately after event-editing, the last event-edit will be
undone – not the automation recording.
9. Select List
Click this button to open the Select List dialog box. Here
you can select the channel and parameter that will be dis-
played in the event list. You can select one (and only one)
of channels 1–32, Master Fader, or Expression.
2c-4. Edit Scene
The mixer settings you adjust can be stored as a “scene” at a
desired location, and automatically recalled during playback
to change the mixer settings (when the “2c-2. Automation”
setting “Automation” is on). You can also recall a scene
when desired as a set of general-purpose settings (→p.50).
You can store one hundred scenes for each song.
A scene may contain the following settings.
Channel parameters
CH ON, PlayEQ, ATT, sends, insert effect assignments,
fader, pan
Effect program numbers and Trim of the insert, master,
and final effects.
Effect return, MASTER fader, AUX levels, master EQ
1. Scene select cell
This area displays the currently selected scene (current
If no scene is selected, the Default Scene will be selected.
Choose a scene in the scene list and click the Recall but-
ton to select it.
From the left, this shows the edit icon, location, scene
name, and MIDI program number.
The edit icon will appear if the scene has been edited
until you click the OverWrite button.
If you turn off the power before clicking the OverWrite
button, the edits you made will be lost, and the scene will
revert to the state prior to editing.
2. Scene list
This area displays the scenes that have been stored.
From the left, the location, scene name, overlap warning
icon “ ”, and MIDI program number will be displayed
for each scene. It is possible for there to be more than one
scene at the same location, but an overlap warning icon
reminds you to use caution when recalling these scenes.
If Automation is on, scenes that have this overlap warning
icon will not play back.
3. Disable Prm
Click this button to display the Disable Param dialog