the system
(5) Specify the number of time that you want to copy the
In the Times cell, specify the number of copies as “3”.
(6) Select the expansion/compression mode.
Click the Mode button to display the ExpCmp Mode
dialog box, select the desired mode, and click the OK
button (or press the panel YES key).
For details on the effect of each mode, refer to “ExpCmp-
Trk” (→p.131) A5. Mode.
For this example, select “Fast” (priority given to process-
ing speed) and “Fixed” (pitch remains unchanged).
Then click the OK button (or press the panel YES key) to
return to the “EditTrk” tab page.
(7) Execute the editing operation.
Click the Exec. button. Then in the ExpCmpTrk dialog
box, click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
execute the operation.
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(8) Check the results of the editing operation.
Press the LOC 3/TO key, and play back from the TO
location to verify that the editing operation has done
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state. (→p.141)
The length of the IN–OUT area specified will determine the
amount of time it takes to complete the Expand / Compress
Copy an entire track/Copying to a Virtual track
This command copies an entire recorded track (from the be-
ginning to the end) to another track.
•You can copy one or more tracks simultaneously.
•You can specify the copy-destination virtual track.
For example, you could use this operation if you wanted to
copy a track to two or more virtual tracks, and then create
variations of the performance in each of the those virtual
Copying to a virtual track
Copying the data of track 1 virtual track “A” to track 2 vir-
tual track “B”
(1) Select the copy-source virtual track.
In the TRACK, “Vtrk1–32” tab page, select virtual track
“A” for track 1.
(2) Verify the copy-destination.
In the TRACK, “Vtrk1–32” tab page, verify that virtual
track “B” of track 2 is either empty or contains data you
don’t mind losing (i.e., data that it is OK to overwrite).
(3) Select “CopyWholeTrk.”
In the TRACK, “EditTrk” tab page, click the Edit Trk
Type cell. In the Edit Trk Type dialog box, choose “Copy
WholeTrk” and click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(4) Select the copy-source track number.
Click the popup button of the Source cell, and choose
track “1” in the Source Track dialog box. You can also
click the cell to select this.
(5) Select the copy-destination track number.
Click the popup button of the Destination cell, and
choose track “2” in the Destination Track dialog box.
You can also click the cell to select this.
If you specified two or more tracks as the “Source,” you must
specify the same number of tracks in “Destination.”
(6) Select the copy-destination virtual track.
In the Virtual cell, select virtual track “B”.
(7) Execute the editing operation.
Click the Exec. button. Then in the CopyWholeTrk dia-
log box, click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key)
to execute the operation.
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(8) In the TRACK, “Vtrk1–32” tab page, select virtual
track “B” for track 2.
(9) Check the results of the editing operation.
Play back from the beginning of the song to verify that
the copy was performed correctly.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state. (→p.141)
(2) (4)(3) (6)
(4) (3) (5)