the system
Importing an audio file into the middle of a track
Importing a 44.1 kHz/16-bit stereo audio file named
“D3200_ST.WAV” from the PC drive, and loading it into
the TO location (the location stored in the LOC 3 key) of
tracks 1 and 2 of a 44.1 kHz/16-bit song
(1) Select the song into which you want to import the
audio file. (→p.36 “1-3. Selecting a song”)
(2) Select the Import command.
Access the TRACK, “Import” tab page.
(3) Select the import-source drive.
• Click the Drive button to open the Select Drive dialog
• Select “PC” and click the Yes button (or press the
panel YES key).
(4) Select the audio file that you want to import.
• Click the Select File button to open the Select File dia-
log box.
•You can preview the first six seconds of the selected
audio file by clicking the Prev button.
• Select “D3200_ST.WAV” and click the OK button (or
press the panel YES key).
(5) Select the clipboard as the import-destination track
In the Tr k cell, select “Clip.”
(6) Execute the import.
Click the Exec. button to open the Import dialog box,
and click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
The length of time required for this operation to be completed
will increase in proportion to the size of the file being import-
(7) Copy the imported audio file from the clipboard into
tracks 1 and 2.
• Store the TO location (→p.38 “Assigning locations to
the Locate keys”).
• Refer to “Using the clipboard to copy data to another
song” (→p.70), steps (9)–(14).
2-2. Exporting an audio file
Here’s how to export an audio file.
When exporting to CD-R/RW, use either a blank disc or an
ISO9660 format disc that has not been finalized.
An audio file exported to CD-R/RW can be loaded by the D3200
or by a computer even if the disc has not been finalized.
A file exported to the PC drive can then be saved on your compu-
ter. To do so, first save the file on the PC drive of the D3200’s hard
disk, and then save that file onto your computer.
Exporting an audio file
Copying the audio data from the master track of a 48
kHz/24-bit song to the clipboard, and exporting it to the
PC drive as a stereo audio file named “D3200_ST.WAV”
(1) Select a 48 kHz/24-bit song, and copy the master track
audio data to the clipboard.
• Refer to “Using the clipboard to copy data to another
song” (→p.70), steps (1)–(6).
(2) Select the Export command.
Access the TRACK, “Export” tab page.
(3) Select the export-destination drive.
Click the Drive button to open the Select Drive dialog
box. Choose “PC” and click the Yes button (or press the
panel YES key).
(4) Rename the audio file.
A name of NONAMEST.WAV will be assigned automat-
Click the Rename button to open the Rename dialog
box, and change the name to D3200_ST.WAV (→p.36).
For details on the file names you can use, refer to “Writ-
ing” (→p.172).
If the export-destination already contains an identically-
named file, you will not be able to export the file. In this case,
please rename the file so it can be saved.
(5) Execute the export command.
Click the Exec. button. In the Export dialog box, click the
Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to execute.
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).